
Friday, February 8, 2019

The Role of Government and Culture on Innovation in Greek City-States :: Essays Papers

The Role of Government and destination on Innovation in Hellenic City-StatesA simple abstract of the culture, structure and technologies of Greek city-states reveals the fact that culture plays a vital social occasion in the development of technologies. More specifically, an analysis of the organisation of Greek city-states demonstrates the in truth influential role of culture upon expert development. The democratic form of reignment first seen in Greece is reflected in the structure of the city-states. The basis for this form of government, which is more than sensitive to the needs of the people, can also be seen in around of the more traditional typesetters cases of technological development. Water supply fits the more traditional definition of technology, shows a concern for public well being, and is apparent in the Greek city-state. Analysis of the Greek city-state is further strengthened by similitude to Sparta. This opposing city was built into a much different cultu re, and as a result, was structured quite differently and produced different technologies. While it is certain(a) that more than simply culture and form of government influence technological innovation, the evidence highlighting these factors contributions is ample. Culture influences and is influenced by the form of government in a given region. This government and culture then influence the elbow room in which the environment in treated, and the innovations that occur. In his chapter on Greece, Colin Chant writes The scheme of cities was also shaped by fundamental political changes (p. 57). This statement leads into a discussion of the rise of democracy in Greek city-states. An elected fabrication wielded the authority in these city-states. Chant states, Although the development of participatory modes of government susceptibility well be seen as a product of enlightened Greek culture, the influence of the Aegean environment must also be considered (p.57). This statement dese rves some attention, as it insinuates that macro-level forces could be more responsible for governmental organic evolution than micro-level changes. The statement also walks the fine line concerning the inseparable political constitution of individuals.In his article The Pentagons New Map, Thomas Barnett explains that one must be very careful with this type of thinking, as it is a definite abstract to say that something is inherent in a people making them govern themselves in a certain manner. It is a small step from this type of thinking to the statement those people will never be like us (Barnett, p.174). Barnett goes on to explain that it was once thought that there was something innate in Russians and Slavs that prohibited them from accepting capitalism and democracy (Barnett, p.

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