
Thursday, February 7, 2019

The anecdotes A Good Man is Hard to Find and The Comforts of Home will

The anecdotes A Good Man is weighty to summon and The Comforts of Home will be examined with respect to airFlannery OConner Color ConnotationsThe anecdotes A Good Man is Hard to amaze and The Comforts of Home willbe examined with respect to color intension and imagery. This essaywill discuss how colors affect the readers abstract senses andemotions. Colors are also used to suggest the character of the piece andcharacters within. Various cultures perceive colors differently whichcould change a readers perspective. A Good Man is Hard to Find is told from the grandmothers point ofview. The first significant color is describing her word of honors wife. ayoung womanhood is slacks, whose face was as liberal and innocent as acabbage and was fasten around with a green head-kerchief that had twopoints on top like rabbits ears. The use of this color is ambiguous.It could be construed as either positive or prohibit. The positive isthat it may be suggesting the womans youth, fertility and vigor. Thenegative connotation is the grandmothers jealousy and envy towardsher youthfulness. There is seeming animosity between the two. Whenthe grandmother suggests visiting Tennessee The childrens motherdidnt seem to hear her The grandmother never speaks directly to themother. She repeatedly refers to the womans attire with a definitemanner of superiority.The next day the childrens mother still had on slacks and stillhad her head tied up in a green kerchief, but the grandmother had on anavy profane straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brimand a navy blue dress with small white dots in the print. Her collarsand cuffs with white organdy gelded with lace and at her neckline shehad... ...the color discolorappears. The dog opened one yellow eye, took him in, and closed itagain. This indicates and Thomass cowardice and avarice. He isgreedy because he wants his house and mothers attention. Violenceshortly ensues. Black is link to Sarah twice although there is only one reference to black regarding Thomas. thrice were bothcharacters correlated with red, demonstrating they mutually played arole in the death of the mother.Colors are in effect word-pictures which work by a method ofassociation. Images and emotions are created when readers makeconnotations of colors within the text. In United States of America,white is a representation of purity, peace, cleanliness, innocence andmarriage however, in China, white is symbolic of mourning and death.Universally, blue has the fewest negative connotations crosswise variouscultures.

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