
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Local and Global policy contexts for senior schooling Essay

Local and Global policy contexts for senior schooling - Essay ExampleNot only does this form of education bring in an immense form of economic growth to the country but is also assists in a great improvement in the quality of life functional (Pollard 2003). Thus, while the individual benefits from this type of education by securing better paying and working conditions, the country also benefits in the form of economic growth and a high standard of living. However, there are certain factors which continue to affect the grade of post needed education. If non controlled they can harness and affect the rates at which this type of education is excelling and spreading today. A change in taste, cyclical factors and interventions by government policy makers might each(prenominal) be liable for harnessing the growth of post compulsory education today.Most education systems require their students to stay in school till the age of fifteen. Thus, the education system does not require the child to attend school till any specific class, instead deciding on a legal age to leave school. The promotion made in post compulsory education is checked through statistics and studies which examine the change in rates. In Australia, the participation rates showed that half of all students above the required school age continued with their education. The number of females who preferred to stay within this system was also higher than those of male retention rates. The grades obtained by these students were also great with the students achieving a higher grade in classes 11 and 12 then they had forward. However, the study showed the females preferring to gain a higher education and achieving higher grades with remote more persistence than their male counterparts (Lewis & Koshy). The participation in this type of education system is observed through two factors the demand for post compulsory education and the supply for post compulsory education. But because no school system forbi ds or prevents an individual from achieving a secondary education, the demand for it proves to be far more effective in understand the moderatenesss behind the participation in this education method. There are several factors affecting the rates of education in the post compulsory sector. The student has to be able to divide the costs and benefits they will achieve from obtaining this education. This includes the full-time or part-time opportunities that are available to them before they leave school. Thus, by participating in a continued education system, the individual forgoes the chance of being part of the labour market and earning wages. The diminishing avocation opportunities available to these students led them to drop the idea of working after the legal education age and pursue a higher education (ABS Labor Force). Yet, the phone line must also be able to provide adequate wages for the student to prefer it over an education system. This is because wages are the main reaso n behind the youth choosing to participate in the labor force (Long, Carpenter & Hayden). If the wages factor was removed from the labour force then most individuals would try to continue with their studies. Where the student is incapable of finding a job they are able to find a trainee or apprenticeship program which teaches them the ethics

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