
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Servants in Victorian England Essay -- Victorian Era

Servants in Victorian EnglandServants were adjuratory to the functioning of middle and pep pill class positions in Victorian England. Without the bona fide ground forces of servants for the upper and upper-middle classes, women would not be able to live the idle lives they had grown accustomed, and would certainly not pass on the time to flaunt their view with neighbor-calling and the numerous balls and social activities. Even most lower-middle and middle-middle classes employed at to the lowest degree one servant, as economic aidance was almost a necessity in maintaining the home (Roberts 205). For the most part, these servants had an appreciation for their work, with the opportunity to live in an upper class home and have job security, as the alternative was industrial work with unexplained lay-offs and less(prenominal) than desirable, and often unsanitary, living conditions (Margetson 155).The highest classes of families would employ this army of servants, each servant ha ving a specific duty, and providing them all with matching uniforms. For the less wealthy families, a maid of all works was common, w present the maid would assist with groovying, cooking, and raising the children (Roberts 205).In families where many servants were employed, a sort of ranking constitution occurred, between all of the servants, and even within particular positions. Head butlers, or stewards, were considered higher in ranking than the rest of the servants. The head butler would have managerial responsibilities over the other servants of the home. In the middle, there were valets, which were the personal assistants to the gentleman, who would clean his clothes, assist him in dressing and in shaving. The ladys maid had similar duties for the woman of the home, mostly assisting in dress... ...g to read the quotes of people telling their experiences of living as a servant versus the people living as a master.Also, here is a link to a picture of the Servants Hall of a j udges home in Victorian England, to give an idea of the living conditions of servants.Works CitedKelley, Grace. Nineteenth-Century euphony in the Literal Sense. 1999. .Margetson, Stella. Victorian High Society. New York Holmes and Meier Publishers, INC, 1980.Roberts, raptus C. Victorian Culture and Society. New York Oxford University Press, Inc., 2003.Servants Hall. The Judges Lodging Museum. .The Victorians The London Townhouse - The Servants. romance Ever After. 2001. .

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