
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Conflict Between Reality and Illusion as a Major Theme of ‘the Glass Menagerie’ Essay

Over the past century discoveries in physical science conduct revealed a whole sassy paradigm for life one that you abide apply to your life right now to get extraordinary insights, intuitions and results. I believe knowing these principles is crucial for your ability to be tapped in to the unobserved serviceman that surrounds you. To me quantum physics has always involvemented me. Since a child, I valued to know what this innovation was about, and if I could go deep into gaining the record of matter that makes up our world, and know what is it made of, then I could understand my own essence and the purpose of life itself.So I bunch off on an exploration into the area of erudition known as quantum physics. It is the branch of science that explores the universe at the very tiniest and the very largest of scales. What I found was science is re onlyy the new religion. For instance, no one has perpetually seen an atom even though scientists tell us thats what all things a re made of. Since we cannot see an atom, then we discombobulate to accept it from the scientific community based on faith. To me, when you involve faith, even an experimentally substantiate version, you also imply a new religion in a sense.In the past, the masses of people got their subject matter of life from religious teachers who taught well-understood spectral laws. The teachers of religion along with ancient myth tellers were the storytellers giving people the ultimate justness of truthfulness. At some point in history, religion became political and was used more for state control of the masses rather than for providing the truth of reality. When Science was discovered all that changed. Over the past 300 old age or so science has made an attempt to start from fret and rebuild what is true.From Galileo to Darwin these rebels sought the truth yet paid the price for passage against the inherent worldview. Inspired by these great leaders more and more people joined the sc ientific exploration for truth, which led to the forming of institutions and organizations. As with any good intention, when it becomes institutionalized, it can lose sight of its main prey and eventually become biased as well. In this case, our modern scientists have focused on what can be seen in the material world and have forgotten or downright ignored other unseen forces such as mind or consciousness as factors in the laws of nature.Most scientists have bought into a materialistic and lifeless universe. Even though there is evidence to the contrary, modern scientists do not want to acknowledge such a paradigm despite what quantum physics shows. This may be because, if scientists go against the inherent worldview, they create the real potential of losing their reputation along with their university-funded careers, which has been know to happen all too often. Only a fistful of open-minded scientists, who are giveing to put their reputations and careers on the line, have p ursue the truth of reality in spite of the consequences.At present, of all the stories, it is the scientific ones that virtually define us, writes Lynne Mctaggart, author of her book entitled The Field. She continues, Our watercourse scientific story is more than three hundred years old, a construction largely based on the discoveries by Isaac Newton a universe in which all matter moves within three-dimensional situation and time fit in to certain fixed laws. The Newtonian vision describes a reliable place inhabited by well-behaved and easily identifiable matter.The worldview arising from these discoveries is also bolstered by the philosophical implications of Charles Darwins theory of evolution, with its suggestion that excerption is available only to the genetically rugged individual. These, in their essence, are stories that consider give wayness. From the moment we are born, we are told that for every winner there must(prenominal) be a loser. From that constricted visio n we have fashioned our world. The latest scientific worldview is simpleWe are all separate beings being influenced by random events, surviving from cradle to grave, and thats pretty much it. on that point is no before life or after life for us. This reality is all we have, and it is based on random, or cause and affect relationships along an ongoing flow of time. Although we perceive science as an ultimate truth, science is finally just a story, told in inductions writes Mctaggart. But the latest installment is quantum physics, which reveals a whole different paradigm. We are all not separate but rather interconnected called non-local entanglement by these physicists.Unfortunately, quantum physics is considered an unusual person in the scientific community. Because it is such a variant to long held beliefs, most scientists have not incorporated these new-found principles into their respective areas of science let alone their own personal lives. If they did, we would have an u pdated version of biology, physiology, geology, medicine, psychology, sociology and even theology. We would have a whole new paradigm for life, thus impacting our worldview in every way.Instead, these principles cleave isolated into the lonely branch of physics that explores the very tiniest of charactericles. This whole new view of life would say we are not separate at all, not from each other, not from the solar system we are part of, or the universe we belong to. We are all interconnected at the most fundamental aspect of our nature. We may appear as carnal things, but we are more than that, we are processes intimately connected to our milieu and to each other.Without awareness of these principles, things look random in our lives, but according to quantum physics they are not. If you would like to learn more about the principles of quantum physics and how to apply them to your life, then you may want to enquire about our periodic gatherings we have in Richmond Hill. This gro up aims to be the leading regard tank for gathering answers to lifes most interesting questions, from the meaning of your life, to exploring hidden forces that heal the body and mind, to discovering answers to the riddles of ancient civilizations. from each one gathering will be a special event consisting of a professional initiation followed by a short discussion on various topics of interest in order to explore the answers to lifes mysteries, learn the rudimentary unseen laws governing your everyday existence, and how to apply this wisdom to transform your life. Each event will enhance your sense of wonder and appreciation for you and the world in which you live. No previous knowledge is necessary and everyone is welcome.

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